Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If you meet Lady Gaga, what will you ask her?

Why do you wear interesting clothes? Why did you wear a dress made of meat? What is your favorite color hair? Or my personal favorite . . . Do you have a brain?
So, I am often online for hours looking for good activities that will work with my students. I don't know if I found this online or eventually came up with it on my own, so I don't know who to cite if I borrowed it. But, here is the handout I created for this activity.
This has worked really well in my classes.

If you meet _______ . . . 

Audience: This activity is designed for upper beginner/lower intermediate Turkish students (ages 18-22) - but I think it can be adapted for any class.

Time frame: 20-25 minutes

1. Have students brainstorm some questions they would ask to famous icons if they met them. I like to have the students brainstorm first so that they have something to work with. You can really spin this off for a long time once you get going.

2. After I have given the class about 5-7 minutes to write questions, I call up one student (usually one that I think fits the persona of the icon) and announce to the class that this student is Lady Gaga (or whichever icons you are using.)

3. I then have the class asking any questions they want to the famous person, and the student who is acting as the famous person must answer as though they are that person. It gets quite hilarious with some of the questions that students come up with, as well as some of the answers. My students are often hesitant to speak in class or come up with original conversation, but I have found that I can get most students to talk using this activity.

Let me know if it works for you!

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